Upcoming webinars

Looking to study, work or live in New Zealand but don’t know where to start? Our free immigration webinars are designed to give you up-to-date information on immigration policies, advice and opinions about living and working in New Zealand and cover major areas of interest expressed by migrants.

Are you interested in joining a free webinar? Please click on the below button for information of upcoming webinars. All our webinars are free of charge.

Parent residence pathway and temporary visa (in Korean)


Parent Residence Pathway and Temporary visa (in Mandarin Chinese)


Temporary work visas and pathways to residence in New Zealand (in English)



Topic: Parent residence pathway and temporary visa

Time:  13 August 2024, 7PM (NZDT) – 4PM (KST)

The webinar will be conducted in Korean.  

부모님 영주권 비자 및 3년 방문비자

여기로 웨비나 등록해 주세요!

뉴질랜드 이민법무사 유현욱(제임스) 와 함께 부모님 영주권 비자 알아보기


  • 부모님 자녀서포트 영주권
  • 부모님 은퇴이민 영주권
  • 부모님 3년 방문비자

Topic:  Parent residence pathway and temporary visa

Time:  20 August 2024, 7pm (NZDT) – 3pm (CST)

The webinar will be conducted in Mandarin Chinese (minimal English).



境外的父母怎样能来新西兰,和在境内生活的子女实现团聚?这些签证对于父母和子女又有什么要求?持牌移民顾问 Doris Schoeller (事务所总监) 和 Susanna Lin 将会在线上讲座里为你解读:


  • 父母团聚移民和申请步骤
  • ​​​​​​​父母退休移民政策解析
  • ​​​​​​​父母探亲签证和常见问题
  • 未来的父母长期签证


United States, Europe, South Africa (and the rest of the world)

Topic: Temporary work visas and pathways to residence in New Zealand

Time:  30 Aug 2024, 8AM (NZDT)

The webinar will be conducted in English.

Temporary work visas and pathways to residence in New Zealand

Register Here!

Are you interested in working and living in New Zealand? Doris Schoeller will explain the immigration process and you will have the opportunity to ask any migration related questions you might have. The topic covers,


  • Accredited employer work visa
  • Open work visas
  • Skilled migrant pathways
  • Straight to residence pathways