Accredited Employer-Work-Visa-change


In June 2023, the Government announced changes to the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV).

These changes take effect on 27 November, and include:

  • A ‘maximum continuous stay’ of five years for most AEWV holders, with shorter periods for workers in specific sectors.
  • An increase in the maximum length of an AEWV to five years for people earning at least the median wage.
  • An increase in the maximum length of an AEWV to three years for people in the care workforce sector paid the level three and four pay rates.
  • An option for current AEWV holders to apply for the balance of the longer five-year or three-year visa if they are eligible. Their current visa will not extend automatically to the longer length.

To apply for the balance of the longer visa, AEWV holders will need to meet criteria. Employers of current AEWV holders may be able to reuse existing job tokens, without completing a Job Check, to support their worker to apply for the balance of the longer AEWV. There is criteria employers need to meet, including holding valid accreditation.

Processing order for AEWV balance applications 

Immigration New Zealand (INZ) expects a significant number of people to be eligible for AEWV renewals for the balance of five years.

INZ will generally only start processing balance applications when their current AEWV expiry date is within the next nine months. The applications for associated partners and dependents will also be queued until the AEWV application is decided.

This processing order of AEWV renewal applications manages demands on INZ processing resources, while ensuring fair treatment of visa applications made to INZ.

In the unlikely situation that an applicant’s current AEWV expires before we complete their balance application, the holder will be eligible for an interim visa to let them stay and continue their job for up to six months.

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